Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Blue Shoes for Suz

Here's my new running of them.
I am not capable of holding both of them up to the camera on the computer.
It's kinda high....
And I'm too lazy to go find my real camera.

Here is me
manually hoisting my leg up...
...and simultaneously hiding my knee fat....
so you can see that it is indeed me who is 
wearing the shoe.
Please excuse the hair...I'm a runner now.

But I am getting ahead of myself

This morning after family devotions, I announced 
that today was the first day of me becoming a runner.

It was 6:45 am....
 (when I made the announcement silly, NOT when I actually RAN)
...way too early for my dear children to assimilate such a radical idea.

There was complete silence in the heavens....
ok well at least at the breakfast table.

Then my three athletic teenagers started shooting me advice and questions....

"Mom...are you going to 'do the loop'"?
(Me:  "What's the loop?")

"What's your plan, Mom?"
(Me:  "UMmmm to jog until I have to walk, and 
then repeat until I somehow get myself back home.")

"Mom, are you going to start doing boxes?  Remember last year when you said 
you were going to do the boxes?"
(Me:  "Go to school!"---ok I just thought that one...")

SO!  I went on my first ...shall we just call it an outing?  
I don't think we can call it a "run." 
 No definitely not, because it would have been
 about a 25-minute-mile if it were a run.

It was an outing.

Here are my reflections:

Things I liked:

1.  The smell of the air after last night's rain, and the lilacs and the lovely sunshine.

2.  Admiring glances....OK...they were most likely admiring the beautiful golden retriever
 jogging obediently (I've never seen her so well-behaved...she must have been 
really freaked out.) by my side.  But I'm just vain enough to find even 
reflective admiration motivational.  I'll take it!

3.  My new shoes.  They're PRETTTTYYYY.  
They're my favorite color.  (Oh...and they feel great too.)
 I'm glad I spent a little extra money because...they're pretty.

4.  Molly's three potty breaks allowing me to catch my breath 
and still look cool.  Dog's gotta go....

Things I didn't like:

1.  Jiggles....enough said.

I can't think of anything else I didn't like! 
 That's rare!  Reaaaallllyy rare.

Well there you go! 
 My first day to a healthier me....
and cute athletic shoes.

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