Monday, February 23, 2009

Catching a Breath

Well, I still haven't gotten my life under control enough to get back to blogging regularly. Who could have guessed that January and February would turn out to be so brutal...but indeed they have. The weather has been cold so long that I can't even remember what it felt like to be actually hot. I did sit in the sun for fifteen minutes today in Tim's study. It was delightful.

(Lily is at this moment moaning "Mommy, mommy" in her bed because she has decided that she cannot sleep alone.) In fact she insists on being in the middle of the middle of Tim and I when we sit at the dinner table, in the middle stool when the kids eat at the island, between two people on the couch when we watch a movie, in the middle of our bed when she comes in about 1:00am every night...the list goes on. So it should come as no surprise that sleeping single in a single bed is causing adverse reactions. (She's stopped moaning my name she goes again...) If she can hear me typing, she knows that I am here, but there is no conversation, because let me tell you that girl can converse! She has mastered the filabuster! She can keep going on a conversation designed to get her what she wants indefinitally...I mean she really won't stop. She might backtrack; she might switch direction, she might speak in a language that I don't understand (she just makes up words when she's tried all the ones she knows, or she starts using Spanish words from Dora),....but she will not stop until serious punishment is emminent...and even then she'll pick it up again as soon as the water stops boiling. (It's quiet again..the end is near!...nope...again she continues...shoot she has a legitimate one...I forgot to brush her teeth...brushed them and now we are back to square one....full out crying as I pry my arm out of her grip...lest you feel sorry for her, please understand that this is a power game....letting her win will make it all that much worse. If she were truly scared I would be less firm.) Alright, what kind of blog is this? This is nonsense. I'm going to bed as soon as she's quiet...Goodnight friends.



Dana said...

Yeah ... it was kinda nonsense :) But it was funny :) Aren't three-year olds fun!?! I also chuckled about the previous blog where Lily was doing ballet in the doctor's office and you were pretty much oblivious to it ...

Dyer Importance... said...

So much fun huh? But, at least you are real!